Season 2 of Fate: The Winx Saga is now streaming on Netflix.

The star cast of the new season includes Abigail Cowen, Hannah van der Westhuysen, Precious Mustapha, Eliot Salt & many others.

This is a 7-episode season and each episode has a runtime of  40-50 minutes.

This Netflix show is based on a Nickelodeon animated series  Winx Club.

The second season is pretty good at every aspect if we compare it to  the first season.

The new season is way more  consistent in terms of story  development and plot making.

There's plenty of action, adventure and twists that makes it more  interesting to watch.

The new season has pretty good background score, cinematography  and vfx.

The new season has improved a lot and if it gets another season in future,  it truly deserves it.

Well, this is not a masterpiece yet if you have liked the first season, you  are definitely gonna get a wider  smile this time.