Did You Know This Ubisoft Game Had Maharaja Duleep Singh’s Feature In It

Source: GamesRadar

Many Playstation lovers would know about the game Assassin’s Creed, as it is a franchise centered on an action-adventure video game series created by Ubisoft. The prince in this Xbox game finds out the conspiracy of the East India Company to not allow him go back to India and to his mother. So, he fights both in the virtual world and in the real world. This game was released in October 2015.

Moreover, the interesting thing in the game is, it features the last maharaja of the Sikh regime and the youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He is clearly making people sit up. And this PlayStation digital game is on him. Also, people play The Last Maharaja-Assassin’s Creed Syndicate with great curiosity.

The game features young Duleep Singh in a fictional adventure-based character on his real-life struggle, as an exiled ruler in Victorian London. And the makers are making him fight and receiving bonus points. Also, the story in the game follows twins Assassin Jacob and Evie Frye, where Maharaja Duleep Singh plays a supporting character and helps the two players.

Source: HistoryRespawned

Though today’s generation are not much aware of the maharaja Duleep Singh. But they definitely know Satinder Sartaaj’s Black Prince, which uncovers the story of Maharaja. He was also known as Black Prince of Perthshire.

There are some documentaries – Maharaja Duleep Singh-The Thetford Ancient House Documentary, A Sikh Maharaja, Maharaja Duleep Singh-A King in Exile and well-written books chronicle his life, yet the curiosity to discover more has neither been shown on TV nor in films.

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