Blood, Sex & Royalty is a Netflix documentary series about 16th-century British royalty.

The documentary series depicts Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

This series shows political revolutions and catastrophes. Henry and Anne's marriage is difficult.

Francesca Forristal's documentary stars Amy James Kelly, Max Parker, and Adam Astill.

The documentary tells a classic story with modern techniques. The film moves quickly.

Even though it's historical, the documentary's good pace keeps the audience's attention.

Blood, Sex & Royalty easily pulls off such aspects in a show with this idea.

The story focuses on Anne and her rebellious life throughout her period.

By the end of this documentary series, viewers may be Anne fans.

This 3-episode powerful and entertaining documentary is accessible and engaging for  mature viewers.

This documentary series features current components that can attract viewers who don't like  historical dramas.